THE BEST-Pepper Jack Chicken and Stuffing

*Box of stove top (I used chicken)
*Cán of creám of chicken soup
*1.5 lbs chicken
*1/4 cup milk
*6 Tbsp butter, melted
*6 slices pepper jáck cheese (you could álso sub in Swiss cheese)
1. Cover bottom of báking dish with chicken
2. Láy pepper jáck on top of chicken
3. Mix creám of chicken soup with milk ánd spreád on top of cheese
4. Top with whole box of stove top
5. Drizzle butter on top of stuffing ánd báke át 350F for 45-60 minutes (I did closer to 60 minutes)
(Chicken mixture) 1 oz is 46 cálories
(Rice) 1 cup cooked is 200 cálories

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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