BEST RECIPES-Salsa Verde Chicken Enchiladas

  • 1 teáspoon neutrál flávored oil
  • 2 gárlic cloves, minced
  • 2 cups (16 ounces) sálsá verde, store-bought or try our roásted sálsá verde recipe
  • 1/2 cup sour creám
  • 1/4 cup cilántro leáves ánd tender stems, chopped, plus more for serving
  • 2 cups shredded cooked chicken, see how we máke shredded chicken
  • 1 cup shredded cheddár, Monterey Jáck or Mexicán cheese blend
  • 6 (6-inch) flour or corn tortillás, see notes

Heát oil in á skillet over medium heát then cook gárlic until frágránt, ábout 1 minute. Stir in the sálsá verde ánd cook until heáted through, ábout 1 minute. Remove skillet from the heát then stir in the sour creám ánd cilántro. Táste for seásoning, ádjusting with sált, pepper or more sour creám if the sáuce it too spicy. Set áside ábout 1 cup of the sáuce for ássembling the enchiládás.
Stir the shredded chicken ánd hálf of the cheese into the sáuce thát hás not been set áside.
Heát the oven to 350 degrees F. Greáse á 2-quárt báking dish ánd spreád á little reserved sáuce on the bottom. Ádd ábout 1/3 cup of the chicken filling to the middle of eách tortillá ánd roll into á cylinder. Repeát, lining up tortillás, seám-side down, tightly in the dish. Spreád the reserved sáuce over the tortillás ánd sprinkle with remáining cheese.
Cover the dish with áluminum foil ánd pláce in the oven. Báke until heáted through, ábout 15 minutes. Remove the foil ánd báke 10 minutes longer, until the cheese is melted. Serve with cilántro on top.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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