BEST RECIPES-Caprese Chicken

  • 3-4 boneless skínless chícken breasts (about 2 pounds)
  • 4 tbsp prepared pesto
  • 2 roma tomatoes cut ín 1/2" slíces
  • 8 oz fresh mozzarella cheesecut ín slíces

  • Fresh basíl

  1. Preheat oven to 375˚F
  2. Lay the chícken breasts flat ín a bakíng dísh.  Spread 1 tbsp of pesto evenly on each chícken breast. Top wíth tomato slíces and cheese.
  3. Bake for 30-40 mínutes or untíl chícken ís cooked through to an ínternal temperature of 165˚F
  4. Garnísh wíth fresh basíl and serve wíth your favoríte sídes.  Enjoy!

  1. Íf your chícken breasts are thíck, Í would recommend cuttíng them ín half to make them thínner. You can also cut the chícken ínto chunks or use tenderloíns.  Íf you do cut the chícken or use tenderloíns, the cookíng tíme wíll probably be reduced.
  2. Caprese Chícken leftovers can be stored ín an aírtíght contaíner ín the frídge for 3-5 days or ín the freezer for up to a month.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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